
What is Inheritance in CSS?

As outlined in the above chapters, style rules are associated with elements through the usage of inline CSS and/or through the usage of internal/external CSS together with selectors. In addition to that, style rules are being associated with elements through inheritance.

In CSS, inheritance is a mechanism of associating style rules that are applied to a given ancestor element to the descendants of that element in the document tree (a given element A is considered to be descendant of another element B when the element A is nested in the element B).

Controlling Inheritance

It is possible to expressly indicate whether a given property should be inherited or not by using the following keywords:

  • inherit - sets the property as inheritable irrespective of its default behavior,

  • initial - sets the property value to its default value specified in the CSS specifications (not browser defaults - vide What is use of 'initial' value in CSS?),

  • unset - sets the property inheritability to the one specified in CSS specifications (i.e. its default inheritability as outlined in the above chapters), and

  • revert - sets the property value to the browser's default.

For example:

p {
  overflow: inherit;