Privacy Policy

Which entity is the controller of the personal data?
The controller of the personal data collected in the Service, within the meaning of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), is the Service Provider, namely Warsaw Digital Sp. z o.o., headquartered in Warsaw.
In the case of applying for a position covered by a given Job Posting through a form located outside the Service, accessed by redirecting from the Service to the address provided with that posting by the Poster, the sole controller of personal data collected through such a form is the entity which collected such data and this entity is solely responsible for processing this personal data, while the Service Provider does not act as a controller in this regard.
In the case of applying for a position covered by a given Job Posting through the application form located in the Service at that posting, the data is made available to the Poster for the purpose of conducting the recruitment process, and the Poster also becomes the controller of this personal data and is solely responsible for processing this data within the scope of this recruitment process, while the Service Provider does not act as a controller in this regard. The Service Provider retains the personal data shared with the Poster solely to protect against potential future claims, and after the statute of limitations for potential claims has expired, this data is deleted.
Who are the Trusted Partners of the Service Provider?
In this Privacy Policy, as well as throughout the Terms of Service, Trusted Partners refer to entities providing data hosting services, email and SMS delivery services, map generation, statistical analysis, and cooperating with the Service Provider regarding the display of marketing content.
What kinds of personal data are gathered by the Service Provider?
The Service Provider may gather data regarding Service's Visitors regarding their behavior in the Service, their location and kinds of devices used during visiting the Service.
Creating a Poster's Account in the Service may require providing the following information: business name, logo, email address, tax identification number, and address details.
Applying for a position covered by a specific Job Posting requires providing the first name, last name, an email address, and CV. Additionally, it is also possible to provide a phone number, LinkedIn profile address, and GitHub profile address.
By what means the Service Provider gathers the personal data?
In relation to Visitors, personal data is collected through anonymized, aggregated analysis of their behaviors in the Service, using technologies described, among others, in the Cookie Policy.
Regarding Posters, personal data is collected during the creation of their Account.
For individuals applying for positions covered by Job Postings, personal data is collected after they submit the form available on these postings in the Service.
What is the purpose of data processing by the Service Provider?
The Service Provider processes personal data:
when necessary to ensure the safety of Visitors, Posters, Candidates, and the Service itself.
for statistical purposes when the data subject has given their consent,
for the purpose of customizing marketing content when the data subject has given their consent,
to enable the conduct of electronic payment transactions, and
to make the personal data available to the Poster regarding a person who submitted an application for the position covered by a given Job Posting through the form available in the Service with that posting, for the purpose of the Poster conducting the recruitment process for that position, when the data subject gives their consent.,
to make the personal data available to the Poster regarding a person who has expressed a desire to share this data for the purpose of the Poster conducting future recruitment processes.,
Is the personal data transferred to third parties?
Personal data may be disclosed to Posters in accordance with Sections 5(e) and 5(f) of this Privacy Policy.
Furthermore, to fulfill purposes referred to under Point 5 of this Privacy Policy, the personal data gathered by the Service Provider may be transferred to the Trusted Partners.
The Service Provider and the Trusted Partners may provide the public authorities with the collected personal data in the cases envisioned by the law.
What is the scope of this Privacy Policy with respect to redirects?
In the event that the Service contains redirections (links) to other web services, Visitors following such redirections acknowledge that this Privacy Policy does not apply to those web services. The processing of data on those web services occurs under the rules and conditions specified by the policies of those web services.
What are my rights with respect to my personal data?
With respect to your personal data you have, among others, the rights of:
objection to the processing,
demanding processing restriction,
demanding its erasure,
withdrawal of the consents, and
The execution of the abovementioned rights does not affect the past processing, and, furthermore, may be connected with limitation of the Service's functionality, such as, among others, Account possession.
The execution of the abovementioned rights is made through sending a letter to the Service Provider's registered address or an email to with indication of the rights being executed.
Is personal data transferred outside of EEA?
For the purposes outlined in Point 5 of this Privacy Policy, the Service Provider utilizes services of Trusted Partners located within the European Economic Area (EEA) or in the United States of America. The Trusted Partners located in the United States ensure proper data protection guarantees based, among other factors, on commitments to apply standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission and decisions on adequacy issued by the Commission.
How long the personal data is stored by the Service Provider?
The personal data is stored by the Service Provider for the period not surpassing the period of limitation with respect to relations connecting the Service Provider with a given person.