Programming (aka coding) is one of the most sought skills of the modern world and programmers (aka coders) are one of the best-paid groups. It would seem that attaining any skill in programming should be expensive. Well, it does not have to be! The Internet offers myriads of great free resources. Furthermore, some free resources are provided as interactive courses in cooperation with the best universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. However, sometimes the plethora of available courses might overwhelm as it is challenging to find the relevant ones to go with. Therefore, in this article, you will find links to strictly selected programming courses that will allow you to free start your journey with programming. Keep calm and learn to code!

Start with Codecademy

Irrespective of whether you aim at becoming a frontend developer or a backend developer programming skills in JavaScript (the lingua franca of the modern Internet) topped with some HTML and CSS will come in handy.

The Codecademy offers many free courses and what is great about them is that they are interactive. You have to code and code correctly to pass to the next lessons.

soundof.IT recommends starting with the following free courses in the provided order:

Continue with Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Have you ever seen yourself taking one of the courses created in cooperation with one of the best (if not the best) technical universities in the entire world, namely Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Well, now's your chance! MIT in cooperation with edX offers Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python for free (the verified certificate costs $75).

What makes the course great is its interactivity. The students are not only passive receivers of data but they need to code and quiz their way in to pass. The best way to learn to code!

Conclude wit the Famous Harvard CS50

The CS50 is an actual Harvard campus introductory computer science course that is being taken by real Harvard students. Thanks to the cooperation of Harvard University with edX the course is now being offered for free to millions of people around the world.

The full name of the edX is course is CS50's Introduction to Computer Science and it is available here.

CS50 covers such topics as:

  • algorithms

  • data structures

  • functional and object-oriented programming, and

  • web development.

Some of the computer languages introduced during the course are:

  • C,

  • Python,

  • JavaScript, and

  • SQL.

Similarly to the above-mentioned courses CS50 forces us to code to pass.