Loading & Requiring Files


The Kernel#load method loads a file provided to it as a string argument. It returns true if successful or raises LoadError if file was not loaded successfully.

With load Ruby searches for the file in the absolute path and if the file is not found it searches in the paths listed under $LOAD_PATH (i.e. $:). It is also permissible to provide a relative path to load.

load loads and makes all constants and global variables to be available in the global namespace but not local variables.


The Kernel#require method loads a file provided to it as a string argument. It returns true if successful, false if the file is already loaded or raises LoadError if file was not loaded successfully and is not already loaded.

With require Ruby searches for the file in the absolute path and if the file is not found it searches in the paths listed under $LOAD_PATH (i.e. $:). It is possible to provide a relative path to require but this will search for the file in the path relative to $LOAD_PATH and not the calling file path.

require makes all constants and global variables to be available in the global namespace but not local variables.

Require Relative

The Kernel#require_relative method loads a file provided to it as a string argument but as opposed to require method does not look for the file in the absolute path or in the paths listed under $LOAD_PATH but relatively to the path of the calling file.