Regular Expressions

What Are Regular Expressions in Ruby?

Regexp is a built-in Ruby class instances of which denote regular expressions which are being used to test whether a string matches a pattern or to extract a whole or a part of a matched pattern.

There are three ways to create a regular expression: 1) /.../, 2) %r{...}, and 3) Regexp#new.


A Regexp instance method match? returns true if a given regular expression is matched and false otherwise.

/awesome/.match?('Ruby is awesome') # => true


A Regexp instance method match returns an instance of MatchData class if a pattern is matched and nil otherwise.

It is possible to capture specific parts of strings and then refer to them using an instance of MatchData.

matched_data = /(I).*(juice)\./.match('I like juice.')
# => #<MatchData "I like juice." 1:"I" 2:"juice">

matched_data[1] # => "I"
matched_data[2] # => "juice"


=~ operand returns the index of a first match if a pattern is matched or nil otherwise.

/awesome/ =~ ('Ruby is awesome') # => 8
/lame/ =~ ('Ruby is awesome') # => nil

The operand =~ is defined by both Regexp and String classes and therefore the order does not matter.

Dynamic Regular Expressions

It is possible to create dynamic regular expressions using interpolation with #{...}.

dynamic_regex = 'cat'
/#{dynamic_regex}/.match('I like cat memes.') # => #<MatchData "cat">